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Welcome to my diary!

Hello, beauty babes and welcome to my beauty and lifestyle space, Today Tamara Forever! I am so excited to get back into blogging, connect with new and old makeup enthusiasts (like myself) and just generally keeping a journal of all my rants and raves of life. Thank you for reading and being a part of my adventure.

What’s TTF all about?

So, what is my website all about? For starters, I refer to my blog as a diary. Diaries are special and where you keep any and all of your thoughts. This is how I feel about this web space. I want to keep record of my life’s adventure from hobbies to married life. The year 2018 was a big one for me. I purchased my first vehicle, landed the dream job I never knew I wanted, and purchased my very first home. A lot of wonderful things happened all at once and that is only the tip of the iceberg. I look forward to what 2019 has in store for me and my family and I want to share it with anyone who wants to read it and learn more about me. 🙂

Things to look forward to

With the start of my new diary, you can look forward to reading about:

  1. Beauty: hair, makeup reviews, face of the days, and hauls

  2. Fashion: plus size clothing, accessories and more

  3. Decor: home, office, and organization

  4. Life: wedding planning, marriage, relationships, etc.

  5. Travel: trips and vacation adventures

…and everything in between. I hope you enjoy perusing my diary and get inspired!

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