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New blog design and life updates

I haven't posted a blog in such a long time! My hiatus was part hectic life and part updating this blog. I'm not web coder, so getting this new design up-and-running took awhile. I wanted to refresh the look of my online space to feel more colorful, fun and creative; a reflection of me! I'm really happy with how it came out and I can see myself keeping this look for a few more years. I've finally abandoned the Wordpress platform in exchange for a more flexible design experience with Wix. It was easy to transfer my posts over, just time-consuming cleaning pages up. If any rando links don't work; you know why.

Married Life

Mr. Right and I celebrated our 1-year wedding anniversary this past August 6th. Time flew by so fast; I can't believe we've already reached that milestone. We spent the weekend together checking out a new local comic convention called Micro-con. Mr. Right was invited as a panel host along with 4-5 other content creators. There were some pretty interesting guests, like aerialists from a local acrobat's group, various black writers selling their works and artisans selling anime/comic themed goods. The outside setup consisted of food trucks for meals and desserts. It was a great weekend.

Financial Audit

Mr. Right and I have goals for 2024 that require our finances to be in tip-top shape. We've been watching a lot of Caleb Hammer's Financial Audit youtube videos and learning what mistakes not to make when it comes to money. I will admit, I am nowhere near where I need to be when it comes to savings/emergency fund, but my spending habits have improved considerably. For the most part, I've been purchasing Christmas gifts for us, so I can get it out of the way and start saving, before the holiday madness hits. Next year will be sparse on gifting since we'd like to be in the market for a new home.

Healthy Choices

Work life has been absolute insanity for both of us, so we've adopted healthier lifestyle habits to keep stress and depression away. It hasn't been easy at all, but nothing worthwhile ever is. I started seeing a dietician regularly and look forward to communicating with a personal trainer soon to create a work-out plan that best fits me. So far, I've lost 8lbs but what's better is that I've found meal solutions that I like and can actually stick to. I've added walking and light weight exercises into my weekly schedule, and I love how good I've been feeling! This whole process has been made easier when you have a partner for support and accountability; I'm grateful Mr. Right is on the journey with me.

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