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Book goals and what I'm currently reading

I don't usually create New Year's resolutions because, frankly, I know myself well enough that I won't stick to them. However, one activity that I've wanted to make a point of doing more is reading. Thanks to my coworkers and their chatter of titles they've read lately, I want to make the effort to read more for enjoyment, too.

At last, a hobby I can dive into that literally costs me nothing. :) One I actually forgot how much I loved. As a teenager I spent much of my free time at the public library and even going to their events hosted throughout the year. I read A LOT. It was my favorite thing to do; especially since cable TV wasn't always a constant and I didn't always have my own personal computer. I dived into the fantasy world of YA fiction novels of mythical mystery and drama. Now that I'm an adult, I can expand my horizons to more romance and/or erotica (but I doubt I will...I'm a child at heart and escaping reality for magic is always fun).

My favorite genre of books is Historical fiction and I've already compiled quite a list of Philippa Gregory's novels. I read The Other Boleyn Girl in high school and have been enamored with her scandalous tales of old English court life ever since. Even today, I still enjoy shows depicting the same, like Bridgerton. Since there are so many titles on my list and the daily routines of work and responsibility keep me busy, I've decided to give audiobooks a try. Thanks to the app Libby, I can check out digital copies of books, audiobooks, magazines and more for free through my local library. I'm 60% done with The Lady of The Rivers audiobook; the first in the Plantagenet and Tudor series of books by Gregory. I enjoy that the narrators have (or mimic) an English accent, yet it isn't too strong where it's hard for me to follow.

I reserve my audiobooks for when I want to focus on work or art commissions; it definitely helps pass the time at work and make it more enjoyable. Before bed, I've been reading 10-20 pages of a physical copy of Tomi Adeyemi's Children of Virtue and Vengeance. Hubby bought me the first two novels in this Chronicles of Orisha series for my birthday a couple years ago and I hadn't finished the second. I recently learned that the third book will be released this Summer and I definitely want to be caught up and ready for it. I aim to purchase the hardcopy since I have physical copies of the other two. I don't plan to collect many physical books at this point in life, but hopefully someday I'll have all of my favorites.

In true Tamara fashion, is it even a hobby if I don't find a like-minded online community to join and gush over it with? In a random search online detailing the Kindle devices, I came across a recommendation for the new app Bookworm. Its a growing community of booklovers who post their likes/dislikes of titles and a place where you can organize your wishlist of books and titles read. You can also join "clubs" that have their own monthly readings as a group. It's fun to check in and see what others are reading. I've already gotten a few recommendations for books that seem interesting that I would have never discovered otherwise.

In short, I'm excited to see how many books I go through by the end of the year.

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